Monday, January 27, 2014

Bump Date: 17 Weeks

  Hello!  I thought I should resurrect the blog since, for some reason, all my family and most of my friends don't live anywhere close to us.  The plan is to update weekly with a bump picture, but we shall see if life gets in the way of that :)
So far this pregnancy has been amazing!  I have not been sick one bit, which I am so so so thankful for.  My energy levels haven't been too low either, though I have yet to experience that "burst of energy" that my workout video keeps talking about.

So without further ado...Bump Date #1: 17 weeks

How far along: 17 Weeks
Gender: It's a mystery, and I'm hoping it will stay that way!
Weight gain: About 2 pounds, though it definitely looks like more.  I think it's because I've been working out pretty consistently, so things are just shifting around a bit.
Maternity clothes: As of this weekend I'm currently mixing some maternity pants with my regular shirts.  And I'm trying out the Bellaband, so far it's worked, but it's only been one day...
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping really well.  I typically get up once in the night if I drank a bunch of water before bed.
Best moment this week: Registering for baby gear yesterday, which was super overwhelming, but definitely fun.
Worst moment this week: Not sure that I had one, maybe putting on my jeans and realizing they made me look fat instead of pregnant.
Miss anything: Not yet, this pregnancy has been super nice on me so far.
Movement: Not yet, but hopefully soon!
Cravings: Not any recently, though I could eat french fries and chocolate ice cream at any point in the day and be happy about it.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Early dismissal from school on Friday, and (hopefully) not having tons of planning to do this weekend!