Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall is Here!

I love fall!  I used to think I loved summer the best, but I can safely say that fall is my favorite.  When the leaves change colors it seriously makes me so happy.  Fall in New England is pretty cool.  I wish I had a better camera to take pictures of how beautiful things are around here.

Speaking of pictures, I have failed miserably at uploading the ones I took when we were in Michigan a few weeks ago.  Also, my camera is terrible.  I am saving up for a new one and hoping to purchase it around Christmas time!

In Cardigan news, I am no longer teaching French!  That was definitely an adventure though.  Mark was practicing pronunciation with me one day and said that my French pronunciation sounded more like Spanish than my Spanish pronunciation does.

Yesterday in celebration of Founder's Day and Columbus Day the entire school went to the Sandwich Fair.  It's just like the Hudsonville Fair in MI complete with stinky animals, way too much deep fried food, carnival rides, and crafts to look at and buy.  It was a nice break from school though.

I'm running my first half marathon in less than two weeks!  Ahh.  I have been totally slacking on the training though.  Hopefully I don't die.

Now that things have calmed down and I feel like I am starting to have more free time I hope to update more often with real content!

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