Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bumpdate: 20 Weeks!

Wow!  Half way done already.  That is super crazy to me!  This pregnancy is flying by!

How far along: 20 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!
Weight gain: About 8 pounds
Maternity clothes: Moved into maternity pants full time and they are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!  Still wearing regular shirts.
Stretch marks: Nope
Belly button in or out: In, but starting to stretch out.
Sleep: Still sleeping really well.
Best moment this week: Our 20 Week ultrasound.  It was so cool being able to see our baby.  I can't believe how close they can get, seeing all 4 chambers of the heart pumping was super cool.
Worst moment this week: Heartburn. So far it hasn't been fun.
Miss anything: Sleeping/laying on my stomach.
Movement: A teeny little bit, but nothing consistent.
Cravings: Apples with Peanut Butter and Mozerella Stick.  Not at the same time though!
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Friday at 12:30.  I need a break from my kiddos.

And here are Baby Beckwith's first photos:

 Baby's right foot.

 Profile!  It looks like the poor kid got my nose.