Saturday, April 19, 2014

Bumpdate: 28 Weeks

This week flew by.  I can't believe I'll already be flying back to SLC today.  Also, technically I'm 29 weeks today, but I just remembered to post this update.

And I think everyone has pretty much decided that we are having a boy, so if this baby comes out as a girl I think I'm going to be really confused and I'll have to double check that it's really mine :)

How far along: 28 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!
Weight gain: About 18 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity pants, and I stocked up on some new ones so I have more than three choices.  Maternity shirts are fitting much much better too.
Stretch marks: A few on my hips, but none on my stomach.
Belly button in or out: In, but seriously stretched.
Sleep: Still sleeping really well but occasionally waking up with minor back pain.
Best moment this week: So many to choose from...being home, seeing friends and family, my baby shower, shopping with friends, a Tiger's game, relaxing...
Worst moment this week: Snow.  In April.  Which cancelled my Tiger's game.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: Definitely.  I absolutely love feeling baby move.
Cravings: Chocolate still tastes pretty good.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Seeing Mark in a few short hours.

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