Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bumpdate: 39 Weeks!

I am seriously hoping this is the last Bumpdate I will get to do.  Here's to hoping Baby Beckwith comes soon!

Today is one of my due dates, according to our early dating ultra sound.  But the official due date for Baby B is July 4, only 3 more days!  Baby definitely feels lower, and I have been having more contractions, but nothing consistent.

Today was rough.  I'm not sure why but I had a crazy backache for about half the morning, and it really sucked.  Luckily Mark gave me a little massage and after laying down for a while I was back to normal.

I've been walking 3.5 miles everyday this week!  But so far Baby hasn't got the message to come out...

On to the weekly stats:

How far along: 39 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!  I can't wait to meet our little peanut!
Weight gain: About 30 pounds, I ate too much junk food last week :)
Maternity clothes: Yup.  Except I have to be careful about which shirts I wear because my belly sticks out of the bottom of some of them.
Stretch marks: Yes.  Major bummer.
Belly button in or out: Out.  It's weird and squishy.
Sleep: Pretty good, but I keep waking up so early.  If I sleep until 7 am that's a successful night.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby move.  I'm going to miss it so much.  And relaxing by the pool.
Worst moment this week: Heartburn and my crazy backache.
Miss anything: Exercising like normal, sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: Yup!  I love it!
Cravings: Sweet things, especially ice cream.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good until I get heartburn.
Looking forward to: Our appointment on Thursday afternoon and a fun (hopefully baby filled) weekend!

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