Thursday, October 27, 2011

Boston and snow!

Last weekend was Parent's Weekend here at school, so the boys left on Saturday night and returned on Wednesday.  It was a nice little break for us too :)

Jackie and Justin came up to visit for the long weekend (and Mark's birthday).  We spent a few days exploring Boston!  I absolutely love Boston.  I would totally live there.  I've been twice now, once for a science conference, and last weekend for fun.

Some highlights:
 Giant sea turtles.


 Tour of Fenway, complete with a press box visit and an amazing view of Boston.

Cannoli's from Mike's Pastry.  Very yummy.

It was a very fun trip and I would love to go back again!

Today it decided to snow!  I cannot believe it.  It has been snowing for about 2 and a half hours now.  Yuck.  The kids are excited though and are already attempting to go sledding and have snowball fights.  Though a lot of them are outside in shorts and t-shirts...brr.

There is something wrong with pumpkins and snow.  Especially snow on October 27th.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Happy Birthday to Mark!

Celebrating today (and a day full of conferences) with Modern Family!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Officially a New Hampster!

Pictures are working today!  Check the previous posts for pictures of my latest baking adventures.

Mark is officially a New Hamspter as of today!  He went to get his new license.  We had to drive about an hour to get to Claremont and then wound up in the wrong building because Google leaves you in the middle of an intersection, how kind.  But in the end it all worked out, and we had pizza for lunch!  Which is always a bonus.

I made some black bean hummus yesterday, courtesy of Andi.  Easiest recipe ever!  I absolutely love my food processor.  It is amazing and makes things super easy.

Black Bean Hummus
Ingredients (these are all approximations, adjust to taste):
  • 1 can of black beans
  • 1 red pepper (seeded)
  • 1, 2, or 3 cloves of garlic (whatever your preference)
  • 1 TB olive oil
  • 1 TB tahini (sesame oil)
  • 1/2 a lime of juice
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
How to:
  • Mix all in food processor!  No chopping necessary! 
Yesterday was rainy, again, so this is how Charlie and I spent a majority of the afternoon. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So I've decided to give this blogging thing a try.  We'll see how long I stick with it :)

We are mid-way through our 9th week in New Hampshire.  Wow!  In some ways it feels like it's been longer than that, in some ways it feels shorter.  I am absolutely loving all the fall colors out here!  Maybe it's the colors combined with the amazing mountain view from our apartment windows, but this year fall seems pretty awesome.  It could also be the fact that I also have time to actually enjoy it this year, instead of being busy all the time, which is a nice change.

Lately I've been in the mood to bake, which is both good and bad.  I am seriously working with the smallest kitchen in the world (complete with a mini-stove!), but at least the stove works.  I have absolutely fallen in love with this blog.  Her recipes are amazing, and pretty simple.

This week I made Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

and Cookie Dough Truffles,

along with some Oreo truffles too.  One perk to having 17 boys living down the hall is that I have many eager taste-testers.  We decided that the cookies would benefit from having some chocolate chips added to the mix!

Next on the list:  black bean hummus, courtesy of my wonderful cousin.  Hopefully mine turns out as good as hers!

In other news...our car is officially registered in the state of NH.  It passed its inspection (who knew cars needed to be inspected in order for you to drive them!) with flying colors.