Thursday, October 27, 2011

Boston and snow!

Last weekend was Parent's Weekend here at school, so the boys left on Saturday night and returned on Wednesday.  It was a nice little break for us too :)

Jackie and Justin came up to visit for the long weekend (and Mark's birthday).  We spent a few days exploring Boston!  I absolutely love Boston.  I would totally live there.  I've been twice now, once for a science conference, and last weekend for fun.

Some highlights:
 Giant sea turtles.


 Tour of Fenway, complete with a press box visit and an amazing view of Boston.

Cannoli's from Mike's Pastry.  Very yummy.

It was a very fun trip and I would love to go back again!

Today it decided to snow!  I cannot believe it.  It has been snowing for about 2 and a half hours now.  Yuck.  The kids are excited though and are already attempting to go sledding and have snowball fights.  Though a lot of them are outside in shorts and t-shirts...brr.

There is something wrong with pumpkins and snow.  Especially snow on October 27th.

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