Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bumpdate: 31 Weeks

I always have the best intention of posting these about midway through the week, but then I don't. 

This week was great.  We started our Family Life Unit in school, which is basically Sex Ed.  I was terrified to teach it, but it's actually going great.  I'm just teaching the girls, and they are asking such good questions.

We also finished up our third trimester class today, so now we can officially have this baby!  As long as it waits a few weeks to finish baking.

Onto the bumpdate:

How far along: 31 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!  We were the only couple out of the 10 in our class that don't know what we are having.
Weight gain: About 23 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes all the way, they are the best.
Stretch marks: A few, mostly on my hips.
Belly button in or out: In, but seriously stretched and making its way toward being an outie.
Sleep: Sleep is pretty good.  I have to wake up now to roll over, which is irritating.
Best moment this week: Our 32 week appointment and our birthing class today.
Worst moment this week: I don't think I had one.
Miss anything: Sleeping through the night.
Movement: Yes!
Cravings: Cheerios and ice cream.  Yum!
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: This week at school.  It should move pretty quickly...and then only 2 more weeks!

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