Friday, May 30, 2014

Bumpdate: 34 Weeks!

Wow this past week flew by!  It's the last day of school!!!!!!! I am terribly excited.  I have two meetings next week, and then I'm planning on spending time in my classroom getting all set up for the fall.  If I can get my bulletin boards finished and activities planned for the first week, then life will be good and I can concentrate on baby until he/she arrives.

How far along: 34 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!  Only a few more weeks until we meet him/her!
Weight gain: About 28 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes all the way, they are the best.
Stretch marks: A few, mostly on my right side.
Belly button in or out: I don't have a belly button any more, it's so flat.
Sleep: Sleep is pretty good, waking up about once per night.
Best moment this week: Finishing up school!  My kids cleaned my whole room for me yesterday.  It was seriously so great.  Every book came off every shelf and they dusted everything.  My favorite quote was:
     Student: "Eww. This is so nasty." (talking about the dust)
     Me: "I know, that's why you are doing it."
     Student: "That's not fair!"

Seriously, it was the best. And they saved me a few hours of work next week, which is a bonus.
Worst moment this week: Finding shoes that are comfortable enough to wear all day at school.  Luckily our footwear dress code isn't too strict.
Miss anything: Cold lunch meat sandwiches.
Movement: Tons, and I love all of it, even if baby does jam his or her butt up as high as it can go.
Cravings: Sweet and salty.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: 12:30 p.m. today!  I'll be free!

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