This week has been pretty good. I'm slowly getting the first week of school planned, now I just have to update some files and make some things to pass out to the kids and I'll be finished.
Going to the gym is not as fun as it used to be. People give me the funniest looks and do some funny double takes as I walk by. This morning I was doing the 30 minute circuit and had the following conversation:
Man: Be careful! I don't want to deliver a baby today.
Me: Ha ha.
Man: How far are you?
Me: I have two weeks left.
Man: Two weeks! And you're doing this? Does your doctor know?
Me: Yes
Man: And they are okay with you doing this?
Me: Yes
Overall Mark and I are feeling really ready to have this baby. I'm most scared for the labor and delivery part, I know I can take care of it once it's born. I only have to finish packing my hospital bag, install the car seat, and start making the baby book. But I keep telling baby he/she can come anytime now.
How far along: 37 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby! Only a few more days until we meet him/her!
Weight gain: About 26 pounds
Maternity clothes: I'm mostly just bumming in a t-shirt and shorts, unless I have to leave the house.
Stretch marks: Yes. Major bummer.
Belly button in or out: Out. Mark says it looks like it hurts, but thankfully it doesn't.
Sleep: Not too bad, but some nights I have to sleep sitting up because the heartburn is so ridiculous.
Best moment this week: Maternity pictures on Monday, Breastfeeding class on Tuesday, and just hanging out at home enjoying the fall like weather.
Worst moment this week: Heartburn. So. Much. Heartburn. Especially when I'm going to bed.
Miss anything: Laying on my stomach, and weirdly enough running.
Movement: Yup! Though baby is slowing down because he/she is running out of room.
Cravings: Sweet things.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good
Looking forward to: Our appointment on Friday! And finishing up the last few things on the to-do list.
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