Friday, June 6, 2014

Bumpdate: 35 Weeks!

This week is the first official week of summer vacation.  I had meetings at school on Monday and Tuesday and spent Wednesday and Thursday at school as well.

I have officially touched every piece of paper in my classroom that I was so lucky to inherit, and after much purging my room looks so clean.  I was even able to get all of my bulletin boards for next year completed, which is a huge thing checked off my to do list.  If this baby comes on time or late I will be missing contract week, which means no time to do bulletin boards.  Plus I don't think I'll really want to leave my snuggly baby to go up to school to put them together.

All that's left on my school to do list is prepping for the first week and having all of my copies made.  As a bonus I would like to organize my classroom library, but I have to same some of my energy for my home to do list too.

Let's get down to business...35 weeks!

How far along: 35 Weeks
Gender: It's a baby!  Only a few more weeks until we meet him/her!
Weight gain: About 25 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity clothes all the way, except for my athletic shorts which I have been living in at home.
Stretch marks: Yes.  Major bummer.
Belly button in or out: It's on it's way to an outie.  It looks weird :/
Sleep: Not too bad, but I wake up every time I want to roll over, which is annoying.
Best moment this week: Finishing up my room at school and our appointment today.  Baby's heartbeat is around 140!
Worst moment this week: Heartburn.  Waking me up at 2 a.m. and forcing me to attempt to sleep sitting up.  So not fun.
Miss anything: Laying on my stomach.
Movement: Tons, and I love all of it, even if baby does jam his or her butt up as high as it can go.
Cravings: Chocolate.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!  One teacher at school told me I was the happiest pregnant lady she has ever seen, so that makes me feel good.
Looking forward to: A relaxing weekend with a birthday party my BFF's little girl.

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